Newest Posts in Technology
31%Is it normal that i want to be abducted?
NewIin? should this become an app?
25%Is it normal to hear a hissing sound under the hood of my car?
NewDo you believe in chemtrails?
NewIs it normal i think we are getting way to many trolls lately?
77%IIN that some people misunderstand what flaming and trolling is?
77%Is it normal to think this about is it normal users?
85%Is it normal i hate youtube since google bought it out?
80%Is it normal that i troll the comment section of online newspapers?
91%IIN that i hate facebook, but can't bring myself to close my account?
71%Is it normal to have way too many bookmarks?
86%Is it normal i've used my current email for this long?
52%Is it normal internet is now asking for way to much information?
NewHow do you feel about yahoo buying tumblr?
93%Is it normal that online, people assume i am a guy?
NewDo you go into iin chat?
72%Is it normal i want the vicious trolls permanently banned?
82%Is it normal i delete troll comments from my stories and polls?
85%IIN to play video games so much that you "think" about game stuff irl?
NewWhat would be your self defense weapon of choice to carry?
35%Is it normal for a car shop to refuse to do a specific repair?
NewWho would you live next to a young bill gates or steve jobs?
NewDo you think that we will colonize the moon?
93%I like some usersnames way more than others, iin?
63%IIN that i get so bored if i forget to take my phone to the bathroom?
60%Is it normal that there are no thumbs down?
70%IIN that i'm sick of people bitching about "anti-social technology"?
86%Is it normal no one sells usb port replacement?
85%Is it normal i want to get a type writer?
96%Is it normal mandatory password strengths annoy the shit outta me?