Newest Posts in Fears
NewWhat is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to you?
45%Is it normal to be afraid of eyes?
94%IIN that i want to be successful, but feel i don't have what it takes?
84%Is it normal for me to still be afraid of the dark?
69%IIN to be alarmed at birthrates 'cos of my fears about overpopulation?
89%Is it normal that i get "jumpy" when i play video games?
93%Is it normal to fantacize about having anal sex with "hot" men
20%The gray is in my dreams.
52%My fear of bugs..
40%Is it normal that in scared to watch forest gump because i'll cry?
61%Is it normal to think that my house is haunted?
16%I swear i was abducted by et's
53%Is it normal that i don't like to be intimate with my boyfriend?
95%IIN that i want to be an actor, yet am too terrified to persue it?
43%Is it normal that i can't keep my feet on the floor when. . ?
54%Is it normal that i think my bosses are out to get me?
43%IIN that at night barely sleep and i hear people whispering+footsteps
82%Is it normal i have a fear of throwing up?
32%Is it normal to feel like i'm always being watched?
26%Is it normal to be afraid of my new car?
56%Is it normal for me to be this scared of storms?
30%Is it normal to be afraid of toilets?
72%Is it normal that i check my room for spiders?
71%Is it normal i'm afraid to tell my family i'm crazy?
NewIs it normal that i am afraid to watch toy story ?
48%Is it normal i have a fear of body hair?
69%Is it normal that i am scared to go to the bathroom at night?
50%Is it normal that i am afraid of tooth aches?
71%Is it normal that i'm scared i might die in my sleep?
35%Is it normal to be afraid of fast food restraunts?