Newest Posts in Fears
11%Is it normal that i have a fear of women's breasts?
30%I want to leave my daughter's father, but im obsessed with him
42%Is it normal to be deathly afraid of butterflies?
52%IIN i like hugging women so i can feel their boobs
24%IIN to think that my friend is just a double of himself?
85%IIN i think friends dislike me?
NewIs it normal that i am scared of maps?
65%Fear of hearts/heartbeats: is it normal?
25%Im affraid to be at home naked.
24%IIN to live your life like a prisom?
52%IIN to be this scared of the dark?
80%Is it normal to be scared of vommiting?
64%Is it normal i'm scared talking to women
NewIIN to fear life?
NewOut of these..which is your greatest fear?
NewAre you afraid of heights?
36%Is it normal that i saw and felt this? was i just being paranoid?
64%IIN that i feel embarassed/stage fright when crossing busy streets?
51%IIN for a guy to be intimidated and feel threatened by taller women?
67%Is it normal to have a fear of being watched?
NewIs it normal i feel like i'm turning into a monster
30%Is it normal to have a fear of gas stations?
75%Is it normal to feel very embarrassed about farting?
74%Is it normal to not want anyone to know what you're doing?
52%Am i the only one scared?
79%IIN to be afreight of spiders?
75%Is it normal for me to not wanna go out if i have tourettes syndrome?
39%I have a phobia of popsicles.
NewHearing toilet flushes and hearing steps....someone put a microchip in
61%Is it normal that i'm 18 and still scared of the dark?