Newest Posts in Pets
83%IIN to call a male dog a female's name?!
85%My cat looks like a jumbo shrimp
27%I bathe my cat with barbecue sauce
33%The benefits of iin gold?
65%In:that my dog pushes me?
61%IIN that my chihuahua's eyes are always watery?
88%Is it normal for my cat to pull at his water dish before he drinks?
70%My cat adores dead leaves
74%Dog butt, dog, pet
85%Is it normal my cat wants to jump up onto my lap while i'm working?
43%Is it normal to get urges to bite your dog when playing rough?
75%I like cats much better than dogs
44%I don't like naming pets
35%Is it normal for dogs to run away from home
NewIIN that my dog rathers sleeping on my shoes more than her pillow
51%Is it normal that i think my dog has a cute butt?
NewIs it normal that all animals like me?
54%Inn that my cat is 'addicted' to cat treats?
NewHappiness is a warm puppy or kitty.
NewWhat dog breed is your favorite?
87%Is it normal i find it cute when my dog yawns?
51%Is it normal that my dog does this?
35%IIN to become horny from petting a cat?
59%Is my dog evil?
74%Is it normal to be scared of dogs when they are hyper
NewAre snakes good or bad pets?
80%Is it normal for hen to peck other hens for no reason .
27%IIN that my male dog has this weird odour that smells like period?
57%So i want a dogue like the one that just stares at you not the bulldog
NewIn which group of animals is your least favourite (non-human) animal?