Newest Posts in Education
46%I like tim doner
63%Are my teachers normal?
33%Any differences?
14%IIN my family doesn't want me to go to university?
11%She doesn't want me to volunteer here for this reason? iin?
44%Fair enough?
54%IIN i think sigmund freuds mom must have been so hot
43%Need help.
45%Need help.
80%Somebody help me with my english? can u be my true teacher?
47%I love to study history ! but am studying computer science
17%IIN to think that we should tax the poor more heavily?
NewWhat is your highest level of education?
86%IIN using iin to learn english?
86%Schools need to do more
36%IIN to have a memory that works like this?
17%Is it normal that i jerk off
89%Is it normal to be a slow learner?
95%Is it normal to be unhappy in college?
83%IIN that i want to work in the medical field after breaking my ankle?
69%IIN i find american jury duty unconstitutional.
NewIs the use of standardized tests improving education in america?
NewAre all classes necessary
72%Is it normal i dont want to go to college?
65%No motivation until i'm failing, iin?
82%Talking to myself during important exams when answering questions?
NewWhat is the highest level of education you've attained?
NewHow many years have you been ahead/behind in school?
74%IIN for two guy friends to sleep in the same bed shirtless?
21%IIN i'm taking online courses and my brother calls me useless?