Newest Posts in Thoughts
86%I can't believe how much i posted on this website?
Will i be able to survive if
NewHow common do you think necrophilia is?
New(serious) should stupid people kill themselves?
NewIIN that i carry the guilt of my whole life?
60%IIN to constantly question my gender and sexuality?
86%Is it normal if i liked a girl i saw when going to the bank
NewSomething about confusion and maths
33%Have you ever done anything like this?
Is it normal that i have a body that responds differently to the weather?
Why do some anti abortionists think their beliefs are conservative?
67%Is it normal that i still feel regretful about stalking a girl?
Pacifically or specifically?
Is this normal i i don’t know what to feel or react
Can you all send your positive thoughts to my relative?
NewHitler vs. stalin, who would win?
Thoughts on mr.robot ?
NewWhy do we never hear the word "masculism"?
50%Darrell brooks needs to die
NewIIN to think the next transformers movie is going to suck?
29%(not) becoming an incel?
67%Is it normal to have thoughts
NewI don't believe in putting time and energy into pleasing other people
88%IIN that i fucking hate seth rogen?
96%IIN that i got covid-19, despite being fully vaccinated?
Had mind expanding thoughts during mri
NewI hate people who push the idea that the end is near
Male circumcision vs fgm
NewIf cis gender people say they don't believe in more than two genders should
33%Is it normal that i sometimes don't give enough of a hoot in hell?