Newest Posts in Fears
46%Is it normal to be afraid of weird things
83%I'm afraid of using a tampon is that normal?
20%Is it normal to be scared of me own scream and reflection?
71%Is it normal that when someone knocks on my apartment door, i freeze?
81%Is it normal to be scared of talking?
84%IIN that i hold my breath whenever someone near me sneezes or coughs?
NewIIN to think that my house is haunted?
15%IIN to be terrified of pillows?
71%Is it normal to like spiders being extremely afraid of them?
81%Is it normal i worry people don't think i'm listening to them?
27%Is it normal that i think east europeans are evil
48%Is it normal that i have no fears?
52%Is it normal that i feel as if ghosts are haunting me?
70%Is it normal that im highly afraid of dolls?
NewIs it normal all hope is lost for america without rick santorum?
47%Is it normal i have sad (social anxiety disorder)
15%Is it normal that i think there's an owl in my fridge?
31%Is it normal that clear skies make me feel claustrophobic?
36%Is it normal to fear the sound of a machine??
93%Is it normal for me to feel worried about my younger brother?
79%Is it normal i feel like im losing my dreams??
46%Is it normal to be extremely worried about my breathing?
59%Is it normal to be afraid of people reading my thoughts?
75%Is it normal that i freak myself out on purpose?
58%Is it normal that im afraid of religion ?
96%Is it normal i am scared of change?
22%IIN that my bed started to shake while i was watching exorcism?
42%Is it normal i'm terrified of this video?
19%The earth flipping upside down, iin?!
48%Afraid of houses from the '70s. iin?