Newest Posts in Fears
69%Popsicle sticks freak me out
41%Is it normal to regret everything i do?
NewIs it normally that i don't know how ride bicycle at the age of 20
25%Is it normal that i have a "fear" of bicep curls?
63%Is it normal that i fear i'll die before i live into my senior years?
NewIs it normal to wish i had a panic room!?
NewIf zombies took over,who would you want as a team mate?
72%I flinch around bigger guys?
95%Is it normal that im afraid to ask out a girl
23%Is it normal to fear gays?
57%IIN to hear footsteps/unease moving everynight before i go to sleep?
73%Is it normal not to fear death?
93%Is it normal that am i afraid of failure?
NewIf you could kill someone of your choice
25%Is it normal i have a phobia of circles
51%IIN to reject sitting on one of more than 50 available public toilets?
38%Do you believe in evil "spirits" or "things"?
87%Is it normal to fear not reaching my full potential
82%Is it normal to be scared of a girl telling you your small?
66%Is it normal to be afraid of the opposite gender?
71%Is it normal that i'm afraid of being gay?
56%Is it normal as a kid i always felt watched/bugged?
79%Is it normal to not feel good enough for the person you like?
21%Is it normal walrus faces scare me and make me feel sick?
88%Is it normal to constantly be afraid of people judging you?
66%Intrusive thoughts
31%Is it normal that i am repulsed by cotton balls?
79%Dreading jury duty iin
69%Is it normal to fear death so much?
80%Is it normal to fear love?