Newest Posts in Health
40%IIN that my wisdom teeth holes haven’t closed a year and a half later?
NewIs it normal to have a headache for 2 months?
67%Is it normal for my ballsack to look like a strawberry?
20%Should i see a psychiatrist
90%IIN i hate people who claim eating organic will cure you of everything
NewMy dad's leg is hurting and we don't know why
33%IIN to get sore throat when walking (not exercising)?
40%IIN i got hit in the nuts 2 days ago and still hurts
90%Closet smokers
36%Is it normal to have random red dots appear on your feet?
23%My skin feels so gross (psoriasis & acne)
I accidentally ingested bug killer. will i be ok?
100%IIN i don't think i have ever had period cramps
71%Is it normal to not be energised by working out
23%Are periods supposed to feel like this?
77%IIN i never eat anything past 9:45pm?
58%Is it normal my doctor did this
80%IIN to have coughing fits after high intensity workouts?
83%I've gained a lot of wheight in the past few years
19%IIN my mum refuses to believe i have autism?
11%IIN that it hurts when i poop?
18%Someone told me a weird story about the menstrual cycle. iin?
20%IIN to be against child abuse but not report it
25%Is it normal to be this hyper and forgetful
40%IIN that i like to inject distilled water into my ass?
33%Have you ever had athlete’s foot?
NewI want to induce extreme sickness without permanent damage
75%Help the edges of my front teeth are translucent
13%We need to do way instain mother who kill their babbies?
30%How concerned with haemorrhoids should i be