Newest Posts in Observations
100%IIN to be biromantic homosexual
67%Why does the left love lockdown but hate the government?
68%IIN to not be russiaphobic?
NewWhy do men have a wave on their head
NewWhich of these tv-series was better?
Why are ears cute
41%IIN that young girls get wet for serial-killers?
25%What started the anti college religion?
NewIIN that "mra"s (counter-feminists) are jealous of women?
NewThere is no gun problem in the united states
100%Math problem
What makes up your net worth? and how would you increase it?
60%IIN for christian zealots to be rude?
NewIIN people are so ungreatful and make no effort
NewWhat does looking like anime girl mean?
IIN to have great ideas or talent for jobs but no motivation
NewDo boomers have the right to criticize "shitpost" humor?
43%IIN for cops to be homophobic?
50%So you hate homosexuals?
NewIIN to think these people are hypocrites
60%IIN i like degrading myself somewhat?
What's the worst store you've ever been to?
100%IIN that the newly-built school where i live is already falling apart?
No matter how much of it i think i haven't a clue what's true about it yet
What's the weirdest thing a stranger asked you?
62%After 1 month sober i give up quitting alcohol
People don't know what respect is..
56%How to get wife to clean downstairs
57%IIN that upper middle-class people romanticize " the hood "?
57%The usa should have welfare and social programs like europe