Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
67%How do you land a spot without networking?
75%Are they snitches on iin?
NewHave you ever been cock blocked?
50%Anyone getting annoyed with the trolls lately?
NewIs it normal to think that people talking about illuminati is annoying
89%I dislike it when people sing happy birthday to me at work iin?
86%Is it normal to find these type of rape jokes annoying?
20%Is it normal that i think a lot of girls ask to get raped?
53%IIN i hate water in my food?
77%Dear mary kay salespeople...
95%IIN people get upset when they ask for an opinion then they get angry?
75%Is it normal to want to destroy a car that isn't parked right?
78%How do i get the black guys to stop approaching me?
57%Is it normal that i hate most people?
17%IIN that my neighbors stomp whenever i sneeze or cough?
57%Persons are different from people
56%Is it normal for me to absolutely hate the word "homophobe?"
53%Is it normal to think people are up to no good
62%Is it normal to hate when people cough into their hands?
64%IIN that i don't want to workout with my one of my friends anymore?
48%IIN i like being called "monster" and "psychopath"
69%IIN that when a radio is off station a bit i shudder?
71%Is it normal to have road range when you're a passenger?
59%Is it normal to clean a bathtub every day?
82%Why is it so hard to be alone?
58%Is it normal i hate people who put the milk first then the cereal?
66%IIN that women with large or many tattoos gross me out?
83%Is it weird that as a young woman i am appalled by this?
40%I hate people who pull their cart through checkout, iin?
13%Sometimes a double standard is just the way it should be.