Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
72%Is it normal i don't like old people
91%Is it normal i hate naggers
90%Is it normal to wish people would follow with there questions?
16%Is it normal i cant play as males in video games?
56%Is it normal that i hate little boys?
87%Is it normal i'm tired of feminists putting words into others' mouths?
87%Is it normal that i get ticked off when someone yells?
98%Is it normal that i hate it when bugs buzz in my ears?
72%I hate how "certain people" act like they own outer space. iin?
35%Is it normal that russell howard is considered a comedian...
83%Is it normal to hate the smell of coins?
74%Is it normal i'm tired of "fat pride?"
71%IIN that i can't stand when someone goes "ahhh" after a sip of milk?
91%Is it normal to get pissed off if people ignore when you're talking?
54%Is it normal pokemon spelling peeves me off?
81%IIN to ask yes or no questions and not get yes or no response?
89%Is it normal to hate getting useless answer when asking for advice?
67%Don't you hate it when people say everybody is beautiful?
23%Surely i'm not alone in disliking asian people? iin?
NewIs it normal the site deletes replied comments?
65%IIN i hate people sneezing the wrong way
69%Is it normal, i really don't understand why people do this?
61%Is it normal that i hate when people say "bolth"
45%Is it normal that my neighbor is my nemesis?
21%Is it normal i hate it when people say think for yourself?
54%Is it normal i think being a grammar nazis is stupid?
58%Is it normal to hate rhyming and rhythmic poetry/songs?
68%IIN - i don't like people touching me, hugging me or getting close?
58%Is it normal to absolutely despise the arm-slapping thing?
83%IIN that i hate it when people use the word 'literally' out of context