Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
83%Is it normal that i find geek culture somewhat annoying?
71%Is it normal that open doors annoy me?
84%IIN that i hate games where you don't know how much freedom to expect?
94%IIN to dislike people who tell you what to do and boss you around?
NewWhat would you do in this situation?
70%Is it normal to get irritated at this?
30%Is it normal to hate skin to skin contact?
89%Is it normal to hate when people say "be social"?
50%Is it normal that i hate when people say hew when they mean her?
64%Is it normal to hate almost every single book i try to read?
53%Is it normal that i hate the sound of hoovers so much?!
NewDo you find it annoying when ppl fcking tlk liek this?
87%Is it normal to hate getting your feet tickled?
44%Is it normal to dislike being hugged?
87%Is it normal that i hate peta?
75%Is it normal to be annoyed by the phrase 'fair enough?'
81%Is it normal to hate slacktivism? especially internet slacktivism
25%Is it normal that he texts/messages me constantly?
96%Is it normal to want to travel in relative comfort?
28%Is it normal some guy thinks east asians are superior to indians?
90%Is it normal to get angry at stupid people?
82%IIN the door must be shut, window must be open
82%Is it normal i hate talking on the phone?
44%Is it normal that i hate dolls?
94%IIN that nails on a chalkboard make me feel this way?
70%I hate when my palms get hot
67%Annoyed by trolls?
76%what i hate it when people go lol all the time and say lol?
67%Is it normal how much more attention blondes get from guys then others
85%i hate it when people chew loudly or make chewing noises?