Spirituality & Beliefs
Newest Posts in Spirituality & Beliefs
NewWhat do you think happens when you die?
73%Are certain things intrinsically right/wrong?
19%The weak should be attacked
53%Is it normal i understand creationists?
48%Is it normal to be christian atheist?
NewWhat is your religiosity according to eurobarometer?
69%Is it normal that i think my dreams about my dead relatives are real?
16%Is it normal when people do what god tells them to?
NewHow many of you feel like you have connectedness?
NewWhat do you think of my theory?
13%Is it normal to think that disaster is god punishment
75%Is it normal to be more physically attracted to women than men?
85%I feel like i'm a mixture of being christian and being agnostic
49%Is it normal to think that humanity is finished?
NewDo you believe in reincarnation?
NewDo you believe in extraterrestrial life?
93%IIN to not have a religion
66%Imaginary friends =/= god
NewDo you believe that religion is a major cause why people are divided?
NewPiety and prejudice . . .is it maybe time for a new form of religion?
44%IIN to believe in past lives?
NewIs it normal to think religion is ridiculous
67%IIN to only have a dark side?
58%IIN the online atheist community just as bad as religious extremists
NewAccording to this video and website vampires are real,what do you say?
52%IIN for someone to reach higher consciousness
33%Is it normal to want to commit suicide?
88%Is it normal i think jesus is extremely overrated?
42%IIN or possible to have psychic connections?