Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
37%IIN for things to be so hard to open that its terrorist proof?
76%Is it normal for americans to leave shopping carts all over the place?
64%School zones and school buses create parking lots on roads. yes or no?
87%Is it normal that i am upset by slow drivers?
86%Is it normal to be incredibly irritated when "experts" spew nonsense?
68%Plate scrapers must die! iin?
70%Someone coughing startles me. iin?
67%How many times must i hear synergy today? iin?
83%IIN i can't stand people who take everything really personally?
76%I hate that expression!
NewIIN that these fucking posts are deleted?!!
57%Facebook postings to dead people, wtf, iin?
88%Is it normal that i hate when my phone rings?
76%IIN that people who use social media infuriate me?
83%Is it normal that i really hate the feel or sound of scratching nylon?
64%IIN that i really hate other people having the same stuff as me?
88%IIN i hate it when so many idiots misuse the word "fetish"?
48%Is it normal that i get weirded out when people touch my bones?
90%When the gym is empty and someone gets on the machine beside me
67%IIN that i get annoyed when people online ask me to share real food?
Dear mod(s)
62%IIN that i get offended by people who defend their personal space?
71%I get irritated when people misuse words to appeal to emotion
59%IIN to dislike androgynous names?
83%IIN that i cant use public restrooms?
71%IIN that i can't stand small imperfections in things?
60%IIN to not understand this? am i too smart?
91%Is it normal to be seriously irritated by unnecessary repetition?
56%Is it normal to resent people for being unintelligent?
52%Is it normal that people randomly ignore me?