Newest Posts in Pets
78%IIN that i have legit conversations with my cats?
76%IIN that my female dog humps the couch all day. she's a bulldog
58%Is it weird
57%IIN to keep mice as pets?
30%Is it normal that i want a girlfriend that sucks and fucks dog cock
14%IIN to kill and eat your pets?
NewThe pets of iin users!
NewGerbils fighting?
84%IIN i cant get my cat to keep his collar on?
58%IIN my cat bites my chin?????
15%IIN i drink my dogs urine?
24%I am obsessed with rodents
NewDo cats and dogs sit directly on their assholes?
72%IIN for me to hate pet birds?
54%Is it normal to feel sick seeing ratdogs' exposed assholes?
73%Is it normal for my pet's fur to be everywhere all the time?
69%Is it normal that my ferret yawns whenever i scruff it?
67%Is it normal to dislike cats?
80%IIN to see my chihuahua's spine sticking out a bit in the middle?
NewWhats the most beautiful animal?
14%Dog with fake nards!
NewIs cesar millan (aka 'the dog whisperer') modeling bad or ineffective
73%Dog barks constantly when someone comes in contact w/me
75%My cat does this when i sing
81%I ran over a squirrel and feel really sad
63%Dog coat not well made
- you own one
68%Beastiality and zoophilia, what does the people of the internet think?
46%IIN that i let my i let my 7 pound dog stick her tiny snout in...
78%IIN my cat doesnt throw up hairballs?