Newest Posts in Pets
71%IIN to be suspicious of those who hate animals?
80%IIN i still grieve for my cat?
75%Loving pets too much
NewIIN that pitbulls are illegal in canada
67%IIN to lie like that?
39%Is it normal that i wish my dog was my boyfriend?
88%IIN to like animals but not want pets?
37%IIN to have a rabbit obsession?
80%IIN for a male cat to look and act female?
17%Is it possible for an animal to masochistic?
81%I like animals more than people
57%IIN for people to be "ok" with their dogs biting?
NewDo you make an effort to be quiet if your pet is asleep?
42%Is it normal that i am beginning to resent my cat?
72%I feel guilty about adopting a cat
NewHamster vs rat?
68%IIN to want a pet rat?
59%Cats won't let me sniff them?? iin?
86%IIN i want a white siberian husky and name it glacier.
63%I love my dog. i love dogs. i love horses. i don't like people. iin?
70%Yorkies, yappers, little dogs, chihuahuas? their owners are demented.
61%I followed a white rabbit . is this normal?
82%Are you saddened by gloomy days?
76%Cats have life made. i want to be a pet cat too. iin?
23%IIN to keep roaches as pets?
75%I want my own penguin
86%Is it normal that barking dogs stress me out?
NewIIN to touch / rub my dog's erection?
69%Is it normal that i detest small dogs?
50%IIN i'm this upset about damaging my cat's food dish?