Most Comments
95%I hate people
NewHow attractive looking are you on a scale from 0-10?
NewI am tall, white, black haired, green-eyed, and have broad shoulders.
50%Is it normal to not have any respect for the muslims?
79%I'm really beginning to hate (many) pro-gay activists
46%Is it normal that i despise my kids?
NewWhat type of girl is best best for a relationship?
23%My wife doesn't like intimate touching/kisses/hugs/etc.
NewHow many of you have some sort of medical issue?
63%How daring are you posting own picture
NewIf you had to assign yourself a royal title what would it be?
47%Should everyone be allowed to reproduce?
NewWhats your favorite variety of weed?
NewWho did you lose your virginity to?
NewOpinion on interracial relationships
NewLets just conclude that all women want bad boys, right?
23%IIN i think we should eliminate gender, and sexual reproduction?
36%IIN to defy the law because of religious beliefs?
NewHow's your sunday so far?
32%I have severe ptsd
14%My name is mark and i found my soul mate. i want it all
73%IIN that i hate lgbt culture?
58%Is it normal to live in a paradox?
NewWhat is your favorite thing about yourself?
NewThere is an organization called: what is your opinion?
NewShould same-sex marriages be legal?
58%Which user goes with what animal?
NewAn easy girl or a girl who waits til marriage for sex?
NewAre women more evolved biologically than men?