Most Comments
70%Heaven and hell aren't real
63%What are the rules of iin etiquette?
79%I got caught looking at a girl
21%IIN i am the cleverest?
71%I can't cum during sex.
85%I feel like i'm a mixture of being christian and being agnostic
76%IIN i'm confused with feelings for a guy & a girl?
NewWhich breed of dog (guard dog) would you prefer?
89%Did you find out about this website through soothouse? yes or no
61%Fucked up if ur bf doesn’t hang with u on the 4th
NewIs cyber sex cheating?
NewIs there a movie you hate, but not because it was bad?
55%Is it normal that in my opinion some people don't deserve love?
75%IIN i'm weirded out by transgenderism?
37%Is it normal we should have a world no sex day?
53%Optimists are delusional
25%Is it normal to be “anti-jewish”?
20%Not a clean girl
56%Toilet trianing mexicans
NewDo you like frogs?
44%Is it normal for my boyfriend to give me this?
NewWhat do you want to happen to your body when you die?
NewA lot of females say they're bi sexual, i think they are b.s
26%I think my stepdad is attracted to me
78%Embarrassing secret
65%She likes it up her ass? fuck no!
82%Threw up after sick slaughterhouses video
64%IIN i think islam is worse than cancer
39%Is it normal that i look for places to get raped
40%Is it normal that all guys look for is boobs??