Most Comments
71%What are you doing right now?
61%Why do most women do not date transmen?
NewWhat is your religion?
47%Is it normal to spank daughter with switch
50%I hate babies (alot)
57%Just found out i'm 5'2 in a half :(
18%Is it normal to not believe in dinosaurs
40%Is it normal that all guys look for is boobs??
77%Is it normal not to think of 9/11 as that much of a tragedy?
NewWhen are you going to move on?
NewA lot of females say they're bi sexual, i think they are b.s
79%Is it normal to be afraid of sex because im fat?
44%Is it normal for my boyfriend to give me this?
NewDo you consider yourself a slut?
NewThey see..
85%How many of you actually sucked a dick?
64%IIN i think islam is worse than cancer
NewWhat's the better pet... dogs or cats?
NewDid you guys serve in the armed forces?
NewGirls do you play with your boobs?
25%Whats your opinion on children transitioning?
11%Is it normal to want to be unable to read or write?
NewWould you be ok with entering a relationship with a trans woman?
NewWhen you take a shower, what do you wash first ?
NewIs this a evil thing to do or am i just brilliant?
75%Is normal for a straight man to be attracted to ladyboys / transexuals?
41%Black masters
20%Is it normal my bf won't have sex?
NewHave you ever had a problem with being addicted?
71%Is it normal to love being gangbanged?