Newest Posts in Fears
92%Is it normal to fear being rejected
100%Is it normal to be fucking scared by spider and snakes
56%IIN that i hate stinking republican liars and fat cats with big money?
82%Is it normal to fear ticks?
60%Is it normal when i tke a shower hi i think someone will kill me
62%Is it normal to be scared of having a heart attack at the age of 20?
63%Is it normal to feel i'm chokong like a fish in the ground?
77%IIN to have consecutive nightmares about a breakup with your bf?
66%Is it normal that i'm scared to comment on some type of posts?
58%Is it normal that i can't go back to facebook?
44%Terrified of photos of space/inflatable objects/underside of water
78%Is it normal to be afraid of falling in love?
74%Is it normal to get the feeling of impending doom for no reason?
84%Is it normal that i'd rather die than go to prison for life?
NewI love hell hounds, but if i saw one personally, i would be scared.
50%Is it normal that i don't wanna go to hotels because....
59%Is it normal to be afraid to talk to people?
64%Is it normal to be afraid of flys
NewYou've nearly drowned and are brought back from the dead...
47%Is it normal to be afraid of being like stan??
55%Anxiety in public
69%IIN to feel like you have to take a dump or fart when your scared?
41%Is it normal to see a ghost?
56%Is it normal to worry you might become a psychopath?
90%Is it normal to feel this way at 25?
94%Is it normal to be afraid to ask girls out?
84%Is it normal im afraid of this?
NewAre you scared of death?
NewIs it normal to be afraid of dating someone better than you
81%Is it normal to still be afraid of the dark at 23?