Newest Posts in Fears
82%IIN that in the dark i imagine faces in the shadows
69%I only have one single fear
71%IIN that i suffer social anxiety?
NewWhat animal would you want to piss off and be near
92%Is it normal that i'm afraid to drive after this?
74%Is it normal that im afraid of people?
41%Is it normal to fear you're in a coma?
86%IIN that i'm so afraid of giving birth that i don't want to have kids?
28%IIN to feel like a puppet?
45%IIN to see shadow people
NewI have katsaridaphobia do you have it and is my case normal?
54%IIN that when i'm scared of the pixar intro?
55%Is spontaneous orgasm during school exam normal?
92%IIN that i'm afraid to get drunk?
86%Is it possible?
93%IIN to be this way after being stalked?
71%Hate eating in front of people
NewDoes anyone else have sudden fears of vast things? hard to explain...
67%Fear fight
24%IIN my dog keeps barking at something behind me ?
50%Prerecorded messages scare me:c
91%IIN to be afraid of the dark?
47%Is it normal to feel like there is a shadow following you?
80%I really afraid of spider, iin?
43%Is normal to fear..........
73%Is this type of dream normal?
72%Imagining death every time i drive?
68%Is it normal to be terrified of underwater electrical lighting?
13%Is it normal that i have a fear of silver wear?