Newest Posts in Fears
94%IIN to think about death all of the time
77%Is it normal that when i walk into school i feel extreme loathing?
40%Is it normal to fear the person you get into a relationship with?
43%I'm afraid of using a camera
34%I talk to my worst enemy
93%IIN i'm scared of the future?
59%Is it normal to fear dolls?
96%IIN to be afraid of dead bodies
41%IIN worried about korea retailating against us after weird phone call?
30%IIN fear everyone
76%I believe humans inherently evil
66%Why am i so afraid of social media? iin?
74%IIN to be a 20 year old girl and never used a tampon?
33%Mi-6/cia robot espionage.
NewIs it normal that im afraid of whales
49%Is it normal the sun turned me into a ginger?
30%IIN to be scared of mirrors
37%Dear iin secret intelligence organisation
74%Fear and getting married
91%I hate taking pictures!!
31%Is it normal to be afraid of certain numbers?
53%Is it normal to push all of the people i love away?
76%Fear of monkeys
94%IIN my hands tingle thinking of heights?
60%IIN am turning into my mother in all the negative ways
36%Is it normal for a petite woman to fear tall daughter?
51%Is it normal to be afraid of what's inside
NewWhat is your phobia?
79%Should i feel guilty?
58%IIN when up really high and very open area i think this? (details)