Newest Posts in Fears
24%IIN that i'm scared i might move or cramp my heart?
26%Is it normal to do this?
70%IIN to have a panic attack when you think you've lost your smartphone
80%Is it normal i have a fear of basements?
55%Is it normal for me to want to die?
33%Lesbian phobia, iin?
85%IIN that i hate making eye contact?
58%Is it normal to be scared/suspicious of mirrors?
47%So long and thanks for all the fish
52%Feeling of death
71%Is it normal for fear inducing sports to be calming?
42%IIN that i'm afraid someone is trying to poison me?
64%Is it normal, that i feared being loved?
58%IIN to be afraid of different opinions?
74%I have a fear of escalators
66%I'm in love with my half-cousin and i can't stop thinking about her
74%Is it normal to fear pregnancy after each time i have sex?
NewI'm in love with my half-cousin and i can't stop thinking about her
62%Chunkily-penised men
72%Is it normal that i'm scared of spiders and find them interresting ?
NewIs it normal to be scared to come out to anyone in your family?
68%IIN that i can't seem to make correct decisions?
87%IIN i am still bit fearful of the disturbing thoughts from anxiety?
63%IIN i get paranoid about posting on iin?
90%How do i get my confidence up?
32%I intentionally wake up several times a night. is this normal?
93%IIN does it get better feels like my best years are gone at 31
86%Is it normal to masturbate in school bathrooms?
74%IIN i wanna leave a abusive situation i have no one to help me
80%Is it normal that i don't fear ghost at all?