Newest Posts in Fears
80%Fear to be in crowd
43%IIN for parents to be so controlling?
62%I had an embarrassing situation involving genophobia
24%I saw red eyes
NewI was a key witness in a triple murder....
73%Is it normal for adulthood to still be painful at the age of 20?
65%For people to scare me this bad?
84%I feel worthless - like i've never achieved anything and never will
31%IIN to be scared of your phone running out of power
83%Is it normal to like a red head?
41%IIN to worry that the government made ebola,now the poor are gonna die
75%IIN i get kind of paranoid after i masturbate?
97%Is it normal to fear losing my friends forever
80%Is it normal that i pretend i am in fifa?
NewFear of being touched by others and myself (19 year old male)
40%Is it normal that i feel constantly watched?
20%"my phоnе wаs оn thе cоuntеr аnd my dаughtеr wаs dеаd"
79%Is it normal i didn't find this scary?
77%IIN to get minor anxiety attacks over things that could have happened?
50%Iin: i have lost all confidence in person
71%Had a baby i don't want to find him
95%Is it normal to masturbate to girls that have socks weared on?
73%Is it normal that i don't like the texture of things such as stones...
73%Is it normal to feel that nothing is real sometimes ?
46%IIN i will probably commit suicide if i end up working behind a till
79%Is it normal that i'm afraid of diseases and parasites?
14%IIN to be hijacked on iin?
NewA fatal mistake
65%I feel uncomfortable around tall people
16%Is it normal for him to be like that?