Newest Posts in Fears
NewDo you believe in ghosts?
88%Is it normal that i am afraid of taking someone back?
85%IIN that sometimes when i leave my basement, i feel an evil presence?
31%Is it normal to be afraid of watermelon?
23%Is it normal to be afraid of the realistic-looking disney beginning?
83%Is it normal to be afraid of bees?
79%Is it normal to get really scared at night?
28%Is it normal that i can't take showers during a certain time of day?
41%Is it normal that loud noises make me cry?
60%Is it normal to feel inferior to everyone?
18%Air makes me claustrophobic? iin?
71%Is it normal that i face my fears head on?
81%Is it normal to rehearse what you're going to say?
93%Is it normal to have your vision go weird after staring at something?
40%Is it normal that i'm scared of tape measures?
19%Is it normal that i can't eat red meat because of this?
NewDo you fear getting old?
79%Is it normal that i always think of scary things right before bed?
21%Is it normal to lock myself in a room for sometimes?
50%Is it normal that i'm repulsed by lotus seed pods?
56%Is it normal that i'm afraid of silence?
77%Is it normal to be disgusted with the bankers greed?
48%Is it normal to be paranoid?
72%Is it normal that i dont want to get into taxis
74%Is it normal to have anxiety attack after iv`e had a root canal?
74%IIN that i have an intense fear of arm getting stuck in car window?
43%Is it normal i have a phobia of balloons?
35%Is it normal that when i go swimming in a pool i start to panic?
59%Is it normal to be freaked out with aliens?
78%Is it normal if i never want to drive?