Newest Posts in Fears
69%Is it normal that i'm afraid of ghosts?
NewWhat do you fear most?
88%Is it normal to let social angst stop me"?
87%Is it normal that i'm scared of bees and wasps?
66%Is it normal to be afraid of missing the bus?
60%Is it normal that i'm terrified of knives?
69%IIN to feel guilty about something even though you didn't do anything?
68%Is it normal im scared of touching my eyeball?
44%Is it normal to be afraid of the water?
92%Is it normal to want something and never find it
73%Is it normal i am paranoid of past mistakes repeating?
83%Is it normal that i get disturbed when i hear sudden noises?
22%Is it normal that i am afraid of belly buttons?
89%Is it normal that i am still afraid of the dark?
73%Is it normal that i won't go anywhere uninvited?
NewIs it normal to be afraid of plants
77%Is it normal to never know what to say when talking over the net?
69%I'm a guy and i finger myself.
NewWhat is your biggest fear?
85%Is it normal to be afraid to come out?
68%Is it normal to be afraid of dying a natural death?
NewIs it normal to be scared of water?
34%IIN that i feel like everything has an invisible string attached?
NewIs it normal that i'm afraid of anything medical?
74%Are their any guys who don't fear rejection from women? iin?
51%If a hot guy never had a girlfriend, are women intimidated by him?
33%Is it normal that i am scared of air vents?
66%Is it normal to be afraid of slugs?
65%Is it normal that i'm afraid of garbage disposals
83%Is it normal that i'm afraid of insects?