Newest Posts in Fears
19%Is it normal that a demon or "shadow person" follows me?
70%Does anyone else have little breakdowns when talking about space? iin?
26%Is it normal that i have a phobia of cotton balls?
NewIs it normal people have gotten angry at me for being scared?
25%Is it normal to be scared of wind?
69%Is it normal to fear men and relationships
69%IIN to have a reaction to the just the thought of your phobia?
79%Is it normal that i'm a young woman who hasn't had a bf in forever...
63%IIN i'm worried that i am going to be left behind in technology
58%Is it normal to be scared of pigeons?
92%Is it normal that i am afraid of losing my mom
79%Is it normal to be completely paralysed by fear?
67%I have a fear of moths... iin?
27%Is it normal that i'm afraid of seeing dead bodies in darkness?
96%Is it normal to be afraid of pain?
43%Is it normal that i am afraid of t.v. snow (black and white spots)?
NewWhich is more scary: life or death?
77%Incredibly afraid of the dark; iin?
75%Is it normal to be afraid of someone i barley know?
79%Is it normal i'm afriad of intercourse with overweight women?
20%Is it normal i can't stand these?
28%IIN that i horribly scared of cluster of small dots,even polka dots?
NewWhat is/are your fear/s?
60%I forget a lot! help me!
75%Is it normal to be scared of clowns?
80%Is it normal that i feel ashamed when i use facebook?
79%Is it normal to fear going to the doctor?
81%Is it normal to freeze up and almost cry in violent situations
60%Is it normal to feel like i am going to die in an unnatural way
100%Is it normal to be afraid of pooping?