Most Comments
NewHow we can make iin better.
76%The daily life of an iin'er. iin?
77%Gay friend's suicide
50%IIN i want to believe in a god, just so i can hate him/her/it/them?
48%Permission before you jerk-off to her.
NewHow old are you
NewWho wins world war iii?
NewDo you have a motto that you live by?
What languages do you speak?
NewGirls, have you given a blowjob to a guy you didn't know?
91%I don't care about football
45%I don't think cannibalism in itself is wrong (read description first)
85%Is it normal to hate my dog, but feel too guilty to get rid of him?
NewIs it normal to loathe overweight people and be offended by them?
NewWhat sex is hornier? female or male?
70%I am attracted to my stepdaughter
NewDo you have any of these disorders/disabilities?
58%Is it normal i trained my girlfriend to address me as "master?"
NewWhat is you favorite sexual thing ever?
23%Surely i'm not alone in disliking asian people? iin?
19%Only reason i'm going gay is because of partly due to my sister, iin?
63%Is it normal to lose all respect in someone if they believe in god?
Mutual crush on iin user. complicated! opinions?
67%IIN i went to a leftist university but became pretty much alt-right?
NewNot a iin. just what is your favorite cartoon show?
NewWhats your favorite kind of pie .
NewPresident for 2016
38%Is it normal i'm afraid of jews?
51%Im a woman sleeping with a married woman
25%The whole "give without expecting anything" is all bullshit