Newest Posts in Fears
87%IIN that i fear pregnancy
36%Iin: to think theres bugs inside me?
71%IIN that i can't stand being around mentally-challenged people?
NewDo you like black people
NewDo you agree? has this speech of mine helped? (relationship fears)
65%Is it normal to constantly worry about my mother dying?
70%Is it normal not to be afraid of dying?
36%IIN that iin is recruiting parents?
72%Overly nice people scare me
78%IIN that i get a tingly feeling in my feet when i feel fear?
88%IIN that i'm scared of having a pap test?
64%IIN to have a phobia of cars?
67%Where did you meet your other half?
68%Is it normal that i find reasons not to like someone?
70%Is it normal that isis is boring
NewHave you ever been to jail?
48%IIN that i'm afraid of live my life?
35%IIN i resent him for this?
NewIIN can i have my daughter arrested 4 shaking chair throwing food ?
77%IIN that i have a severe phobia of rust?
33%Is it normal that i like it when my balls hang
83%IIN that i hate hospitals?
83%IIN that i refuse to watch/read the news because it depresses me?
60%IIN that people think battered women choose to allow it to continue
64%IIN to be anxious and preoccupied about all the bad in the world?
35%IIN i think i was molested as a child, but....
85%Iin: i hate anything horror-related?
70%Iin: im still scared of the dark
28%IIN that i can't eat mushrooms anymore because of this?
49%Is it normal to get extrem anxiety when making a phone call