Newest Posts in Fears
60%IIN to be paranoid about someone you met online?
42%IIN i'd do anything to not die?
59%Is it normal for petite women to feel so defenseless?
12%How do i get my brother to stop doing this?
84%IIN that the more security a place has the more insecure i feel?
59%Is it normal that pigeon's freak me out?
89%Is it normal that fear triggers aggression or even bloodlust in me?
NewWhat is your pet afraid of?
50%My boyfriend wants me to suck his dog
72%Is it normal to fear schizophrenia.
65%IIN to melt when an attractive woman flirts with me?
30%Is it normal that my apartment is haunted?
68%Im afraid of dying
50%Is it normal to fear switching off the tv?
26%IIN i'm afraid of peter pan?
75%IIN to be nervous about a sleepover?
79%IIN afraid of attractive men?
28%Is it normal to fear craps? (to suffer from coprophobia)
42%IIN for my virgin girlfriend to think she's pregnant?
29%Is it normal fake rape charges keep haunting our family
NewWhat should i do in this situation?
71%IIN i can't sleep the night before exam
38%Is it normal to be scared of drawings of penises?
39%IIN to be fearful of used stickers?
NewWhich of these dares are you least scared by?
89%IIN i ran away from toxic home kinda scared but feel free too.
86%Is it normal i'm afraid to help people?
50%IIN his constantly complaining and yelling is ruining our marriage
74%Is it normal to have these thoughts?
45%Girl phobia