Newest Posts in Health
NewIIN i want a disease
67%IIN that i abruptly fart nonstop all the time?
100%IIN that foods i haven't visited for awhile give me the shits?
60%IIN i let the bugs bite me?
NewIs it normal my urine is always a deep yellow?
Increase stamina for sports
90%I laughed when the doctor flushed wax out of my ear
89%Normal for people with depression to leave a loving relationship?
Is it normal that i feel low all the time?
Any hangover help
20%IIN that my sperm is the finest in the land?
NewIIN i feel a sharp pain on the pelvis area randomly and after orgasms?
71%IIN that i eat a lot of salt, but my blood pressure is good?
100%IIN that i feel like i'm not able to eat much on cheat days?
100%IIN to have vision flooded with patterns during a head rush?
NewIs it normal for my pee to smell like rubber?
15%It feels like shards of glass, rusty nails & knives when i poop, iin?
100%IIN that i wasn't able to run as strongly as i usually do?
71%Is it normal that i felt like i almost had a social anxiety panic attack?
50%Fingers and toes
13%Weird purplish bump in groin
27%Is it normal to just cut off inflamed taste buds?
How do i know if i am actually attractive or ugly
29%What’s life like with diabetes
78%Going crazy
67%Is it normal to think you are hearing people say bad things about you?
NewWhat should i do about my mental health?
38%IIN to not feel pain?
57%IIN that my calves never stop being sore?
75%Is it normal to have people think you're high?