Most Comments
89%I wish i'm a girl
71%I think drug addicts should be left to die.
89%Is it normal i finger myself everyday?
83%IIN that a fuckbuddy is falling for me?
33%Men go to war, women get the benefits
NewWhat religion are you?
NewWho misses trump? vote here
NewIf god created satan is he perfect ?
61%I smell my fingers
91%Cartoon crush
75%Is it normal members at what age did you lose your virginity?
NewHow do you feel today?
NewWhats the song that makes you cry ?
NewWhen did you lose your virginity?
25%I don't see what george bush has done wrong,
76%Is it normal to think black people are the most racist of all?
NewWhat is your favorite colour?
76%Is it normal i feel genuinely hopeless around stupid people
41%Is it normal to not care if i get pregnant?
NewPoll: what religion is the worst?
30%Does notice how men with fat fetishes are ugly gross losers?
46%The pedophile problem
31%Is it normal that my boyfriend was looking at pictures of child porn?
79%Is it normal that no one comments on my posts?
NewAre you pro trans or anti trans?
NewThe smell of iin members.
NewAre you gay, lesbian, straight, or bisexual?
83%Is it normal to wonder how everyone chose their username,
NewWhat do you think about texas?