Newest Posts in Fears
73%Is it normal to be afraid of all insects?
61%Is it normal i have no fear of radiation
48%Is it normal we were lied to about duck and cover?
91%Scared sh*tless of hobos...
55%Is it normal that riddles creep me out?
82%IIN that i'm afraid to be honest because i think people will get mad?
63%Is it normal to think that there are cameras hidden in my bedroom?
35%Is it normal to find facial hair incredibly creepy?
44%IIN i'm afraid to fall asleep?
65%Is it normal to do this when i go to bed?
83%Is it normal to be afraid of eating alone in public?
46%I am scared about snails
49%Is it normal old men scare me?
62%Is it normal that i'm afraid of my night gown...
NewIs it true that the world is going to end on dec. 2012?
62%Is it normal that i'm afraid of stabbing myself?
71%Is it normal that i'm 19 and i'm still afraid of the dark?
NewIs it normal to be scared of the closet in your room?
NewDo you have a fear of not having control over your situation?
67%Is it normal to be scared sometimes when searching on wikipedia?
14%Is it normal that i'm afraid of the earth?
18%Is it normal that i let him
69%Is it normal that im afraid of hanging out with people sometimes?
85%Is it normal that i'm really scared of throwing up?
82%IIN to find it weird to look people straight in the eye when talking?
31%Is it normal to fear the light?
54%IIN that when i feel stuck somewhere, i sweat and feel nauseous?
70%I have a zombie plan iin.
49%Is it normal that i think people want to kick my ass all the time?
74%I am afraid of open water