Newest Posts in Fears
32%Is it normal to feel inferior at 5'9" in height?
58%Fireworks fobia
45%IIN to be scared of hitler in a sweater
85%Is it normal to be afraid of being hit in the nuts
NewWho's afraid of lifts?
NewWhat is man's greatest achievment?
17%IIN to fear that my dogs/cats are constantly spying on me?
70%I am scared to get close to people
NewHow long could you survive
47%IIN someone named leslie wont leave me alone on here?
60%IIN to assume you did something wrong if your partner stops talking?
42%Something really bad happened
70%Iin, diarrhea road trip.
92%Is it normal to google most thoughts i have?
33%Why did they do that?
30%My roommate keeps finding paranormal exlanations for everyday things.
79%Terrified of tornadoes
77%IIN to be scared i am born in this generation?
100%Anal pleasure
48%I am scared of water worlds
36%IIN that whenever my laptop makes a noise i have a fear that...
87%IIN that holy fuck raggedy ann creeps the shit out of me?
NewIs this how normal friends behave?
20%IIN to allow people to walk all over me if i make a mistake?
52%Is it normal for a young girl to be afraid of male swim teachers?
58%I feel like i have repressed childhood memories
55%IIN to put your trash in your neigbours can
30%IIN i am afraid of gay act and gays
50%I'm scared of young black males.
67%I'm not good with people