Newest Posts in Fears
44%Is it normal to be overly worried about internet trolls?
70%I need some help with a crush/dream i had.......
NewI fear my door being locked and unlocked
62%IIN to be this terrified of jeff?
53%IIN to only cling to the bad of a rotten relationship?
31%If i smoked for four days in a row how long will it take to detox?
64%IIN my area is getting taken over by star wars nerds
67%IIN to be frightened by thunderstorms still?
23%I was abused as a child
32%Is it normal to be insane
58%Is it normal to feel this tense?
24%IIN to be afraid of planets?
73%Is it normal to fear this ?
33%Have you ever heard of someone being creeped out over docked ships?
47%Is the us military operation jade helm 15 normal, or is something up?
21%IIN that i was scared of completely white,haunted cars?
20%I get shivers over scratchy stuff and start crying
64%My worst fear is being mentally ill and not knowing
48%IIN if any of my family died im scared the cops will think i did it?
38%IIN that balloons are my personal hell?
57%IIN to be scared of images and videos of underwater scenes?
42%Constantly scared my mum and boyfriend are going to die, iin?
54%IIN to be utterly terrified of hurting women in any way?
65%Is it normal to be super scared of dying?
64%IIN to have omorashi?
19%What would happen if there are no secrets anywhere ever?
53%What is the name of having a phobia of sewing needles?
29%IIN debt collectors saying i my lawyers no longer represent
73%IIN that i have a pet peeve about bare feet touching me?