Newest Posts in Fears
66%Is it normal that i hate dead spiders?
NewIs it normal that i have a fear of pleasuring myself?
18%Is it normal that i have a phobia of music?
62%Millions of tiny spots is it normal?
NewIs it normal that i think i smell around people?
83%Is it normal that im scared of falling in love
42%Is it normal to have a fear of fat people?
88%Is it normal that i'm afraid of heights?
NewWhat do you think will happen to the starving africans & their babies
29%Is it normal that i have fear of my sister?
42%Is it normal that i think that social anxiety is good for me?
33%Is it normal that i already know i'm going to die young?
93%Is it normal that i am scared to advance my skateboarding career?
57%Is it bad that i didn't report this guy?
NewIs it normal to be afraid of toast
45%IIN that i get up a lot during the night to check if the door's locked
25%Is it normal that i'm afraid of pipes
77%Is it normal i think spiders' eyes are the worst part of 'em?
72%IIN to be scared to hope or feel happy in case it 'tempts fate'?
90%Is it normal to not fear what most other people fear?
13%Is it normal to be scared of bananas?
73%Is it normal to still fear being punched/kicked by total strangers?
60%Is it normal to be afraid of having kids cuz of a death in the family
84%Is it normal that thinking of my past times brings out fear?
24%I'm scared of turtles is this normal
81%Is it normal i hate and fear being alone.
88%Is it normal to be outgoing with everyone except...
45%Is it normal that i let a snake bite me to get over my fear of snakes
90%Is it normal that i worry he will cheat?
NewWhat do you fear most?