Newest Posts in Health
29%IIN to pee when i make sudden movements
33%IIN my hand still hurts after 4 weeks ?
43%Is it normal to have the hiccups on and off for 24 hours straight?
NewIs it normal (most likely not) that i eat the mucus in my stool?
NewIs it normal to be worried about health in this way?
NewAcne after becoming a vegetarian iin?!
15%I have a yawning disorder...?
50%Is it normal for my lower stomach and crotch to get cold after a run?
22%IIN for a skinny female to sweat this much
47%As a man, is it normal that i can suck my own nipples?
NewOn a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your period?
NewWhich would you rather have?
NewIIN for people with "lower ankles" to be clumsy/prone to trippig?
64%IIN that my knee hurts after colliding with a chair?
59%IIN that heavy people openly criticize thinner people?
53%IIN to feel weak after being attacked by a cat?
40%IIN to feel sick & lethargic 24 hours after a starbucks coffee?
100%IIN to push through college with an eating disorder?
NewWhat do you think of someone who is 145 pounds(65.7 kg) at 5'4?
40%IIN to wake up exhauasted every single morning?
70%Is it normal to self heal depression?
56%IIN i get lasting pain/pressure in my chest especially after laughing?
26%IIN to use paper towels as cure for hemorrhoids?
39%To need a higher antidepressant dosage if you gain weight
95%IIN that i can...
14%Slapping therapy, iin?
72%Is it normal to be afraid of people about to vomit/are vomiting?
70%IIN this doctor appointment was unacceptable to me
74%IIN to sometimes hear words people say but not understand them?
17%Licking to eleviate fever