Spirituality & Beliefs
Newest Posts in Spirituality & Beliefs
69%Is it normal that i believe in god?
61%Does god exist?
83%Is it normal to think adam and eve's story is false?
73%Is it normal that i hate people who dis-approve of gay marriage
85%IIN to believe the meaning of life is self-made?
82%Is it normal to hate religion?
83%Is it normal i pray to god to fix the important things?
52%Baffled by christian stupidity
84%I hate religion.
NewDo you believe in god?
91%Is it normal that i want to believe in god but i cant?
62%Is it normal to believe in signs from god ?
77%Is it normal to not believe in god anymore
NewWhat is your religion?
44%Is it normal for atheists to 'look down' on others?
85%Humans are garbage
77%Is it normal that i think ppl who believe the bible are idiots?(sry)
88%Is it normal to not have any belief in anything religious?
NewDo you believe in heaven/hell.
69%Is it normal for people to make assumptions about religion?
35%Is it normal to worship this religion?
75%Is it normal to ask this ?
NewWhat is your religion?
77%Is it normal i don't ponder over how the universe was created?
41%Killing others for actions
72%Religion is fake?
77%Is it normal to enjoy reading religious debates?
67%Am i the only one who thinks it's kinda funny when people believe...
93%Is it normal that i constantly think about how life started?
35%IIN to have a plate of salt, stones and crystals on the floor?