Newest Posts in Fears
NewHas a stranger ever knocked on your door?
38%Is it normal not to fear basically anything?
90%Is it normal, that i don't know where to start?
71%Is it normal that im scared of big dogs
64%Is it normal that i'm scared of being tickled?
17%Is it normal to be afraid of food!
79%Is it normal to be afraid of making people angry
46%Is it normal to always think your boyfriend is going to cheat on you?
34%Is it normal to be freaked out by flared nostrils?
44%Won't use dressing rooms because my feet smell
34%Is it normal that i cry wile watching anything paranormal on tv
57%Afraid of answering the phone, iin?
95%Is it normal not knowing what to do with my life ???
45%Is it normal im terrified of blue whales
61%Is it normal to be terrified of sex at 18 years old?
15%Is it normal that i will sometimes be someone else (magen)?
92%Is it normal that i'm afraid of heights at age of 23?
37%I get freaked out when my toes peek out from under the shower curtain
37%Is it normal that i fear pregnant women?
82%Is it normal for me to fear for the future
61%Is it normal that i feel safer at higher heights?
60%Is it normal to worry about the death of my husband everyday?
80%Is it normal to worry about my husbands health all the time?
86%Is it normal to be afraid of spiders?
58%Is it normal to be extremely paranoid?
65%Is it normal to feel this bad over the suicide of a stranger?
85%Is it normal to be scared to death by spiders?
53%Is it normal that the lion from wizard of oz freaks me out?
51%Is it normal becoming increasingly paranoid?
67%IIN to have police phobia?