Newest Posts in Fears
17%Is it normal that i'm afraid of losing my ears?
79%Is it normal modern technology is making people anti social?
83%Is it normal that i find the emergency alert system beep scary?:c
48%Is it normal to be absolutely terrified of lizards?
84%Is it normal to have flashbacks/nightmares because of this?
82%Is it normal that i'm still scared of the dark? :(
91%Is it normal that i'm so scared of maggots?
50%Is it normal that i'm afraid of men who are blood related to me?
59%Is it normal to fear death this much
79%Is it normal to want to die but fear death?
58%Is it normal to be scared of karen carpenter
32%Is it normal for a ghost like figure to touch you at night?
79%Is it normall to be afraid of dolls?
53%Is it normal that i feel incredibly uncomfortable around men?
70%Is it normal normal to be scared of driving
75%Is it normal to avoid people's eyes
40%Is it normal i'm scared of sneezing while pooping
68%Is it normal to think you are unworthy of anything good?
43%Is it normal that i have different "personalities"?
71%Is it normal to be afraid of porcelain dolls?
71%Is it normal that i keep looking for something i can't get
56%Is it normal i think everyone is going to rape me?
76%IIN to fail to communicate and talk to people because of fear ?!
80%Is it normal that i enjoy getting scared?
79%Is it normal that highly religious people scare me?
71%Is it normal i'm paranoid about something watching me?
63%Is it normal to lose ones care for others.
49%Is it normal that im scared of scissors?
48%Is it normal to have a fear of butterflies...
21%Is it normal to want to hurt people for fun? or worse?