Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
42%IIN hid lights in halogen reflectors send me into a murderous rage?
48%Is it normal that i despise women?
70%Is it normal i hate it when girls wear shirts with writing on them?
83%Is it normal i get annoyed for no reason?
93%Is it normal to hate the television show "wife swap"?
76%IIN that everywhere i go i feel like people are staring at me?
31%Is it normal i dislike it when girls use bright nail polish?
91%Is it normal that i hate "virgin" being used as an insult?
40%Is it normal to hate it when people call ships 'she'?
71%Is it normal to dislike being touched
59%Is it normal to get upset at this?
66%Is it normal i am sick of nice guys always complaining about dating?
35%Is it normal for someone to wear the same clothes for years?
87%Is it normal that i get really mad when my roommate moves my stuff?
29%Is it normal that most men infuriate me?
74%Is it normal tht i used to like chicks more than guys
55%Is it normal to want to stop rasism in any way possible
53%Is it normal to ignore a stranger making small talk?
82%I hate it when people thank me for my service.
78%I get really angry...
62%Is it normal to hate when people say bless you after a sneeze
58%Is it normal the ultimate mistrust.
80%Is it normal i hate answering emails?
81%Is it normal i hate when people talk about "races"
83%IIN that i hate the sound and feeling of someone scratching fabric?
48%Is it normal that my moms cat 'likes' me
39%Is it normal that i hate if people dont talk like me
60%I hate it when you guys say "whatever floats your boat"
75%Is it normal that i hate summer?
79%I hate ignorant product reviewers!