Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
82%Is it normal that i love animals but other animal lovers annoy me?
68%Unavailable men staring
72%Is it normal i find myself full of flaws?
79%IIN to hate when people act friendly but talk behind someone's back?
78%IIN that i dislike people who say, "i've lost all hope in society"?
57%Is it normal to hate it when people speak spanish?
91%IIN for open mouth eating to annoy you?
83%Is it normal i hate optimistic people?
60%Is it normal that i absolutely despise the sounds people make?
80%Is it normal to hate putting tools away?
64%Is it normal i hit cars that park too close to me?
NewIs it normal to treat animals so badly ?
90%Is it normal that i hate to talk on the phone?
77%Is it normal people give to charity but are jerks?
75%Is it normal that i have to flush the toilet if anything is in it
71%Is it normal normal i hate this excuse?
68%Is it normal that i hate pet names?
80%Is it normal i hate it when people assume everyone is a slut?
64%Is it normal that it annoys me to hell when guys call me sweetheart?
88%Is it normal i hate soccermoms
75%Why are there so many teenagers here, is it normal?
72%Is it normal that i'm proud to be white?
80%It's hard being smart in a dumb world!!
21%IIN to think that a girl that's a genius is such a turn - off ?
84%Is it normal i hate being called "cute" and "sweet?"
78%I hate large pick-up trucks
54%Stop posting stupid political bs on facebook!
56%Shove it, mmmkay?
62%Is it normal to hate babies?
NewWhat's your least favorite kind of youtube comment?