Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
87%I hate people who leave gum under everything
69%I hate it when people clap/cheer at the end of movies. iin?
73%Is it normal i hate the phrase "white trash"?
NewWhat do you do about a 'close talker'?
76%I hate the term "african-american"
NewSpelling and grammar? annoyed or not?
66%Is it normal the idea of honey x honey pisses me off?
83%Is it normal to hate the sound of fat people eating/breathing?
78%Is it normal to hate it when people touch the back of my neck?
92%Is it normal that i want to kill the person next to me?
52%Is it normal that i hate when people say ______ nazi?
NewIs it normal no one reads the rule and it annoys me?
73%Is it normal to hate other people's misuse of grammar?
NewIs it normal to hate it when people ask iin questions as polls?
33%Is it normal that white trash give their daughters 2 first names?
28%Is it normal to blame president obama for everything?
92%Is it normal to be annoyed when people breathe really loud when eating
NewDo we need a spell check service on iin?
84%Is it normal to hate it when people clap at the tv?
59%Is it normal to be normal?
63%People who drive range rovers annoy me!
47%Is it normal that the sound of someone flossing makes me crazy mad?
81%Is it normal that i hate the news media in america?
38%Is it normal i'm tired of people making fun of romney's airplane joke?
76%Is it normal i want to tell people to have less kids?
84%Is it normal to hate greeting people?
68%Is it normal not to get annoyed at speech
74%Is it normal to hate the terms "pro-choice" and "pro-life"?
59%IIN someone stomped on a spider and my feelings changed for them?
NewJaywalkers and reckless drivers... who deserves more blame?