Newest Posts in Fears
67%IIN that i can't pee when i am at a public bathroom/toilet ?
52%IIN if not driving makes a huge impact on my life?
46%IIN my feet keep growing!
78%Is it normal that at age 19 i have accomplished nothing?
54%Do i sound nuts?
52%Is it normal to think this
78%IIN that i'm scared of being put-under anesthesia?
NewIf this ebola outbreak goes world wide what would you do?
71%I have read the god delusion and have now become atheist?
45%It makes me a different person
67%Is it normal to be scared of scary things :o
34%Is it normal to have a stroke at 17?
70%Is it normal im to afraid to put myself on the internet?
63%Is it normal to be a reporter with social anxiety?
29%I'm afraid that i might hurt myself or someone else.
58%How to tell a guy you don't like him as much as he does?
65%Is it normal that i fear of being a bad mom?
77%Is it normal for petite women to feel like they can't defend themselve
89%IIN if i'm scared of meeting my bf's family?
17%IIN scared of my parents turning into pigs
24%IIN that i'm scared of coloured water?
78%Is it normal to have a lot of anxiety?
76%Anyone have any odd childhood fears?
NewWhat would you say you're most afraid of?
62%Is it normal to be scared of bigger women?
15%Is it normal he demanded to see my privates
72%IIN to feel like someone is always watching on my laptop?
77%IIN if i'm scared to be single forever cause i'm dumb?
35%Im afraid my brothers are sexually attracted to me!
54%IIN that i'm always afraid someone is watching me?