Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
84%Is it normal i hate it when people push homosexuality on me?
44%Am i normal to get annoyed when people puke?
26%Is it normal to offer help to a roommate and get insulted?
60%IIN i think it should be law to hit rude people with a stick?
74%I hate it when people park so close when there are plenty of carspaces
73%IIN to find the "that's what she said!" joke irritating and unfunny?
83%Is it normal to get really upset with the usage of the wrong "your"?
60%Is it normal that i can't stand people over-using the word 'so'?
NewDisliking the term baby mama or baby daddy
81%I seriously hate when people say they want a zombie apocalypse, iin?
56%Is it normal that i want to kill trolls?
68%Is it normal that i hate people who flirt anonymously online?
42%Is it normal to get pissed off by grammar nazis?
78%Is it normal to hate hipsters?
88%Is it normal that i hate what people are saying on the internet?
82%Is it normal i hate when people say 'don't call me an emo'?
40%Is it normal i hate it when brits "correct" american spelling?
79%IIN i'm bothered that people are bothered by the term 'retard'?
90%Is it normal i hate when people give the most useless advice.
65%Is it normal to hate random things?
93%Is it normal that i get annoyed my boyfriend isn't as smart as me?
67%Is it normal to have to wet my hands first?
92%Is it normal to hate when people make loud noises just to be annoying?
45%Is it normal every interview cancels once or twice at the last second?
57%Is it normal to hate forehead kisses
86%Is it normal to find this annoying and rude?
77%Is it normal i hate weak handshakes?
82%Is it normal that i hate kids/babies?
16%IIN to be called racist if i don't know the difference between chinese
50%Is it normal i hate people who say or write "ha".