Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
60%Is it normal to hate any sort of obligation?
27%Is it normal i do not believe in mental disorders?
66%Is it normal to hate arguing with people about well-established facts?
90%Is it normal to hate the way my brother eats?
83%Is it normal to tell someone when they have bad breath?
87%Is it normal to dislike people who point during an argument?
71%I hate people who say my life is sad
78%I hate society, most of it. iin
76%IIN to hate when people say i'm suffering from asperger's syndrome
83%Is it normal i hate when people online ask questions like this?
72%Is it normal that im sick of judging based on preferences
78%Is it normal that i hate hugging old people
71%IIN to call out my male housemate for his misogynistic "hate speech"?
59%Is it normal that i get annoyed when people say they think murderers..
31%Is it normal to constantly give advice to everyone?
89%Is it normal that i can't stand used tissues?
72%Is it normal that i hate people who are against nudity?
89%Is it normal that i hate people who pressure others into having kids?
71%Is it normal not to feel sorry for fat people?
NewWhich of these is most annoying?
80%Is it normal to just not really like hugs / cuddling?
84%Is it normal that i hate glitter?
67%Repetition, redundancy and similarities bother me a lot!
50%Is it normal i'm fscking tired of people talking about the hurricane?
NewWho has it harder, smart people or stupid people?
80%IIN to hate americans who think their country is the absolute best?
NewPeeing in movie theater bathrooms. why does it feel so satisfying?
NewWhat sayings, phrases or quotes do you hate?
65%Is it normal that i hate it when people say they hate the human race?
42%Is it normal it bugs me when people say "ipod" insted of "ipod"?