Newest Posts in Pets
85%Is it normal that my kitten hides her toys in my shoes?
NewShould i have done this?
58%Is it normal i wonder why they still cant make a realistic animal toy
26%Is it normal/safe for my dog to eat human toothpaste
61%Is it normal we think we adopted a retarded dog ?
57%Is it normal that my rooster only attacks black people?
67%IIN that i hold my kittens against my chest and whisper to them?
61%IIN sometimes i look at my kitty and i imagine him as a real child?
43%This happened to my cat
44%Is it normal that my pitbull turned on my stepdad?
59%Is it normal that my cat watches me poop
78%Is it normal that my dogs forget to put their tongues back?
41%I found the best cat book ever!!
NewDo you dislike cats and/or dogs?
93%Give the cats the tuna juice, people!!
74%Is it normal that i wait for my dog to respond to my questions?
75%Is it normal that i love my two kittens this much?
84%Is it normal i want more pets?
92%Is it normal irritated by barking chihuahas?
80%Is it normal to have chickens as pets, but still eat chicken?
20%Is it normal for people to scream at their pets?
100%My black cat has a white anus!!!!
69%Is it normal rat names?
NewWhat was a cat's motor called before motors were invented?
57%How do i get my cat to be an outside cat? (nicely)
63%Waxy hard butt hair?!
68%Is it normal that i don't like being touched by a dog's nose?
75%Is it normal not to shove sleeping animals off of chairs?
64%Is it normal that i plan on switching my cat to this diet?
20%Is it normal for my 8 y/o dog to continually shake/tremble?